12. november 2017 kl. 17.00
BILLETTERNE ER REVET VÆK, OG TEATRET MELDER ALLEREDE ‘UDSOLGT’ – men da det jo er gratis, skal der nok være nogle, som ikke kommer alligevel, så man er velkommen til at prøve lykken i døren på dagen. Baren er åben under hele arrangementet, og vi regner med at stille en computer op, hvor man kan se på og lytte til det visuelle album. Så også selvom selve teatersalen er fuld, er man velkommen til at hænge ud i foyeren – & møde de visuelle kunstnere i pausen og efter visning. Der er velkomstdrink kl. 17.
The group consists of:
Miriam Karpantschof (DK),Composer & Musician
Hanna Bergman (SE/DK), Digital Designer.
Participating Visual Artists:
Ivalo Frank (DK/GL), Artist, Visual Anthropologist |
Miriam Haile (DK/NO/ER), Artist, Digital work |
Sasha Hüber (CH/HT/FIN), Visual Artist |
Anja Høvik Strømsted (NO), Filmmaker and Poet |
Helene Nymann (DK), Visual Artist |
Anna Roy Winder (DK/DE), Art Student at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Kurator for arrangementet:
Mette Moestrup
Platformen er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Koda og Kulturkontakt Nord.
Arrangementet er støttet af Kulturkontakt Nord.
SHE’S A SHOW er en poesi- og musikduo aka digteren Mette Moestrup og musikeren Miriam Karpantschof. Sammen med digitial designer Hanna Bergman har duoen skabt et feministisk audiovisuelt space på nettet, hvor musik, ord og videoer spiller sammen. Videoerne er skabt af en række kvindelige visuelle kunstnere fra Norden.
Der er tale om en lille verdenspremiere på Teatret ved Sorte Hest, for livearrangementet markerer simpelthen åbningen af denne digitale platform. KOM OG FEJR ÅBNINGEN MED OS!
SHE’S A SHOW begynder med en kort performance. Så præsenterer de visuelle kunstnere deres videoer, som bliver vist i teatrets black boks. De visuelle kunstnere er: Ivalo Frank, Miriam Haile, Sasha Huber, Anja Høvik Strømsted & Jasmin Hurst, Anna Roy Winder og Helene Nymann
SHE’S A SHOW-duoen og designer Hanna Bergman vil fortælle om processen og vise rundt i det digitale space. SHE’S A SHOW er et radikalt normkreativt space, som arbejder med feministisk æstetik, women in technology, hvidhedskritik, queering (af magtrum m.m.) og drømme og kollektivitet.
Arrangementet vil foregå på dansk, svensk, og mest engelsk/
The project SHE’S A SHOW is a music & poetry duo + a digital audiovisual platform to investigate and exchange feminist aesthetics in the Nordic region. The group consists of Mette Moestrup (DK), Poet – Miriam Karpantschof (DK), Composer & Musician – and Hanna Bergman (SE/DK), Digital Designer.
The project includes the involvement of women in technology in relation to the issue of feminist aesthetics as an activist expression. We aim for the inclusion of women in the field of digital design, audio- and video making with an intention of reaching out to a variety of audiences.
After a short performance, the visual artists will present there videos which will be presented in the theater’s black box.
The arrangement will be in English – and a little bit Danish and Swedish.
Om de medvirkende:
Danish poet, performer, translator, literary critic and feminist activist. She had her debut as a poet in 1998, and her poetry is translated into several languages. For instance, her breakthrough volume kingsize has been translated into English, and her latest book of poetry, Dø, løgn, dø, into Swedish and German. Moestrup has published four books of poetry, one art novel, two collective books, and two children’s books. She has i.a. received The Montana Price, The Danish Arts Foundation Grant, and Stiftung Brandenburger Tor Tandem Grant. She lives in Copenhagen. www.mettemoestrup.dk
Mette er derudover kurator i Litteraturselskabet ved Sorte Hest.
(1973/DK), feminist artist working with sound, music and experimental media. Composition for poetry and performance, songwriting, music production and recording at Stellasound Studio, Copenhagen. Projects: Sange Over Sundet (Songs across the Sea) on- and offline inter-Scandinavian children’s puppet-universe, audio-visual installation Human Generator. Media production studies at Malmø University, MA in Music Therapy from Aalborg University. www.soundcloud.com/shesashow
(1978/SE), MA in Visual Communication. She works on the production of digital reading experiences and editorial design systems mainly for Scandinavia. Initiator of the concept The Reading School which is a social platform to create workshops and talks. The Reading School is encouraging a new experimental way of communication. She has i.a. received The Danish Arts Foundation Grant, Innovation Fund Denmark, and she is an award-winner of The Most Beautiful Swiss Books (2014) and of Werkplaats Typografie design residency (2013). www.the-reading-school.dk
(1975/DK/GL), MA in Philosophy, Artist, Visual Anthropologist. Born in Greenland, Ivalo Frank resides in Berlin and Copenhagen. Holding a MA in Philosophy and Social Science from Lund University, she works as an artist, film and festival Director. Frank has made films in various countries such as Bosnia, China and Greenland and the content range from post-war portraits and post-colonial perspectives to in-depth interviews with citizens from the former DDR. Her films are shown in academic, art and film contexts world-wide, e.g. at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and IMC gallery, New York. www.ivalofrank.com
(1984, DK/NO/ER), visual artist, MFA from the Royal Danish Art Academy, co-runner and editor of Mondo Books and Hvid[mə] Archive. Miriam Haile’s artistic practice focuses on questions around migration, urban isolation, border politics and spaces of transition and change. Often presented within multimedia installations she instigates an interdisciplinary dialogue, with a political landscape, investigating how one might understand moving imagery and its archive. In her recent work she has revisited different methods of examining video archives and looked into how online archives can be understood as a form of new “future” documents. www.sittininaaw.tumblr.com
(1975, CH/HT/FI), Swiss-Haitian visual artist living in Helsinki. Huber works with the politics of memory and belonging, in relation to colonial residue left in the environment. Hüber works with performance-based interventions, video, photography, publications, graphic design and archival material. MA of visual communications, Helsinki and is undertaking doctoral research at the Department of Art at the Aalto University with the project “Demounting Louis Agassiz”. Exhibitions include 29th São Paulo Biennale (2010), 19th Biennale of Sydney (2014), 56th Venice Biennale (2015). www.sashahuber.com
(1982/DK), Copenhagen-based multi-disciplinary artist Helene Nymann AKA Ima, addresses the notion of embodied knowledge and the way in which associative images stimulate memory. Interested in the borderline between the natural and the digital worlds, Nymann constructs performative environments in which the moving image, sound and sculpture make way for transformative arrays of consciousness. She has a BFA from Goldsmith College, University Of London and MFA, Malmø Art Academy, Sweden www.helenenymann.com
(1995/DK) visual artist & student at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany. She works with video/sound, drawing and sculpture, interested in the relation between humans/the body and systems. In 2015, she made the exhibition “Send me nudes” at Vess, Copenhagen. www.annaroywinder.com
(1986/NO), writer, director and author born in Oslo. She has studied Creative Writing at Gothenburg University and Film production (M.F.A.) at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. She has made five short films in collaboration with producer Jasmin Hurst. Their films have been screened in India, Germany, USA, Italy, United Kingdom and Norway. www.hurststromsted.co
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